Company Culture Is The New Hiring Strategy


The likelihood of job turnover at an organization with a strong company culture is only 13.9%, compared to 48.4% at an organization with a weak culture.

Be The Company With Strong Culture.
Leverage Givenly's 4 Point Culture Plan.


Swag out your team


Recognize milestones


Level up onboarding


Reward achievers

This Solution Is Something You Cannot Go Without

STEP 1: Swag Out Your Team And Unify Your Brand Image

Create The Culture Buzz

 Leverage the no-inventory Brand On Demand store solution and Givenly Wallet to invite engagement.

Achieve near 100% Redemption rates from your employees and transform them into proud brand ambassadors. 

Observe the magic as your employees rave about their high-quality company branded merchandise.

Bask in the deluge of Thank You notes they write back after each Redemption.

STEP 2: Recognize Meaningful Milestones

Make Them Feel Valued

Next, utilize the Givenly Redemption Solution to send spot recognition or automate the celebration of birthdays, work anniversaries, and milestones, effortlessly.

In no time you are showing employees they are valued and appreciated in a fun and delightful way.

Let them choose their gift from the curated catalogs that you assemble from our over 14,000 gifts and experiences.

STEP 3: Onboard And Build Culture From Day 1

Welcome Them With Pizzazz

Combine Redemptions with Brand On Demand and create game-changing onboarding experience.

Send a personalized company welcome with images and video to new hires.

Let them select their favorite swag, custom kit, or gift and immerse them in the company culture from day one.

STEP 4: Recognize Achievers And Boost Performance

Soar Higher With Recognition

Seamlessly implement recognition programs like Circles of Excellence and President’s Club through the Givenly system.

Empower and delight your teams with Wallet. 

They can redeem or accumulate Wallet and choose from over 14,000 gifts, experiences, and your company branded merchandise.

"You Guys Nailed It!"
Crystal Cannerdy
VP, Training & Marketing

Trusted By These World Class Customers

Increasing employee engagement investments by 10% can increase profits by $2,400 per employee per year.

Transform your company culture and skyrocket employee engagement with the game-changing Givenly 4-Point Culture Plan! Establish a branded swag store, automate recognition, create unforgettable onboarding experiences, and implement seamless rewards programs. Invest in your employees and watch your business soar to new heights!

Ready to get started?

Contact Us Today!

    Redemption Portal TechnologyHelp Us With Corporate GiftingWe Need WarehousingBuild Custom Kits For UsWe Need Branded MerchandiseWe Need PPE and Rapid COVID TestsHelp Us With Holiday GiftingWe Want the Salesforce IntegrationOther

    What is the Givenly 4-Point Culture Plan?

    The Givenly 4-Point Culture Plan is a comprehensive strategy designed to help companies transform their workplace culture and boost employee engagement through branded swag stores, automated recognition, unforgettable onboarding experiences, and seamless rewards programs.

    How can a branded swag store improve company culture?

    A branded swag store turns employees into proud brand ambassadors, fostering a sense of unity and belonging within the organization. By providing high-quality, branded merchandise, companies show their appreciation for their employees, boosting morale and engagement. In fact, a study by the Advertising Specialty Institute found that 85% of people who receive promotional products remember the advertiser who gave them the item.

    What are the benefits of automating employee recognition?

    Automating employee recognition ensures that milestones, birthdays, and work anniversaries are celebrated consistently and effortlessly. This helps employees feel valued and appreciated, leading to increased job satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty. A survey by Deloitte found that organizations with effective employee recognition programs have 31% lower voluntary turnover than those without such programs.

    How does the Givenly 4-Point Culture Plan enhance the onboarding experience?

    The plan creates an immersive and unforgettable onboarding experience by allowing new hires to select their favorite branded swag items from an on-demand catalog. This personalized approach helps new employees feel welcomed and connected to the company culture from day one. A study by the Brandon Hall Group found that organizations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%.

    What types of rewards and recognition programs does Givenly offer?

    Givenly offers a vast array of unique gifts and experiences, allowing companies to implement seamless recognition programs tailored to their needs. With over 14,000 options, there's something to suit every employee's preferences and interests. A survey by Blackhawk Engagement Solutions found that 89% of employers believe that rewards and recognition programs help improve employee engagement.

    How can the Givenly 4-Point Culture Plan help my business grow?

    By investing in your employees and company culture, you can attract and retain top talent, boost employee engagement and productivity, and create a positive work environment that drives business success. According to a study by Columbia University, the likelihood of job turnover at an organization with a strong company culture is only 13.9%, compared to 48.4% at an organization with a weak company culture.

    Is the Givenly 4-Point Culture Plan customizable for my company's specific needs?

    Yes! The Givenly team works closely with each client to tailor the plan to their unique company culture, goals, and values. We provide personalized guidance and support to ensure the plan is implemented effectively and achieves the desired results.

    How do I get started with the Givenly 4-Point Culture Plan?

    Getting started is easy! Simply reach out to the Givenly team, and we'll schedule a consultation to discuss your company's needs and goals. From there, we'll work with you to create a customized plan and provide ongoing support to ensure its success. Don't wait to start transforming your company culture – a study by the Workplace Research Foundation found that increasing employee engagement investments by 10% can increase profits by $2,400 per employee per year.