Articles Business Gifting
Articles Business Gifting

Why Employee Gifting Matters

Employee gifting is more than just a perk; it’s a strategic tool that can enhance company culture, boost morale, and increase productivity. At Givenly, we understand the profound impact that thoughtful gifts can have on your workforce. In this article, we’ll explore the myriad benefits of employee gifting and how it can transform your organization. […]

Articles Business
Articles Business

23 Top Ideas for Employee Onboarding

Welcoming new employees is much more than just making a company announcement and arranging their workstation. It’s about creating an environment where they feel valued, connected, and ready to contribute from day one., with its comprehensive employee onboarding solutions, understands this well. Here, we delve into 100 top ideas for employee onboarding that not […]

Articles Business Corporate Gifting
Articles Business Corporate Gifting

Cash vs Non Cash Employee Incentives

The exact percentage of cash versus non-cash incentives in employee recognition programs isn’t explicitly stated in the sources I reviewed. However, there’s substantial evidence pointing to a strong preference for non-cash rewards in such programs. Research suggests that tangible non-cash rewards often deliver equal or greater returns to organizations compared to cash rewards. This preference […]

Articles Business
Articles Business

The Importance of Recognizing Sales Achievers with President’s Clubs and Incentive Programs

Recognizing top performers, especially sales achievers, plays a crucial role in driving an organization’s growth and fostering a motivated workforce. President’s Clubs and well-crafted incentive programs are powerful ways of acknowledging the significant contributions of your sales team. At Givenly, we specialize in meaningful acknowledgment, paving the way for enhanced employee relationships and a thriving […]

Articles Business Gifting
Articles Business Gifting

The Importance of Recognizing Employee Birthdays through Corporate Gifting

In the competitive corporate world, creating a nurturing, inclusive, and positive work culture is paramount. A crucial aspect of this endeavor involves the recognition of individual employees – their achievements, contributions, and personal milestones. At Givenly, we fully appreciate the pivotal role of corporate gifting, especially in celebrating employee birthdays, an essential yet often overlooked […]