Articles Gifting
Articles Gifting

5 Ways An Employee Gifting Program Drives Business Results

Employee gifting programs are more than just a gesture of goodwill; they’re strategic tools that can significantly impact your business’s bottom line. By fostering a culture of appreciation, improving employee engagement, and enhancing company loyalty, a well-implemented gifting program can deliver measurable results. Here’s how: 1. Boost Employee Engagement and Productivity Engaged employees are more […]

Articles Gifting
Articles Gifting

The Importance of Employee Gifting

Employee gifting is more than just a kind gesture; it’s a strategic tool that can elevate your company’s culture, boost morale, and drive productivity. At Givenly, we specialize in creating personalized gifting solutions that make employees feel valued and appreciated. Let’s explore why employee gifting is essential and how you can leverage it to enhance […]

Articles Gifting
Articles Gifting

Top Ideas for Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding is a pivotal moment that can set the tone for an employee’s entire tenure at a company. A thoughtful and engaging onboarding process helps new hires feel welcomed, valued, and prepared for their roles. In this article, we’ll explore some top ideas for making your onboarding process exceptional, incorporating valuable insights, creative ideas, […]

Articles Business Gifting
Articles Business Gifting

Why Employee Gifting Matters

Employee gifting is more than just a perk; it’s a strategic tool that can enhance company culture, boost morale, and increase productivity. At Givenly, we understand the profound impact that thoughtful gifts can have on your workforce. In this article, we’ll explore the myriad benefits of employee gifting and how it can transform your organization. […]

Articles Gifting
Articles Gifting

Revolutionizing Company Culture: The Givenly 4-Point Culture Plan

Title: Revolutionizing Company Culture: The Givenly 4-Point Culture Plan In today’s competitive business landscape, building a strong company culture is more important than ever. A thriving workplace culture not only attracts top talent but also boosts employee engagement, productivity, and loyalty. At Givenly, we’ve developed a comprehensive, 4-point plan to help organizations transform their culture […]

Articles Gifting
Articles Gifting

10 Ways to Appreciate Employees: A Givenly Guide

In the bustling world of corporate dynamics, the art of expressing gratitude towards employees is often sidelined, yet it’s the cornerstone of building a thriving, cohesive, and motivated workforce. Givenly, a pioneer in corporate gifting and promotional merchandise, brings you an enlightening guide on nurturing your company’s most valuable asset – your employees. This article […]